other crimes
Here are some of the other crimes we specialize in:
From shoplifting and robbery to burglary, we've got it covered.
An incredibly large amount of our work comprises of clients who have committed some sort of theft offense.
Whether you're under suspicion, have been arrested or being charged,
the first step is to make sure you're protected.
We'll defend you and make sure you have a say in how things are done.
An incredibly large amount of our work comprises of clients who have committed some sort of theft offense.
Whether you're under suspicion, have been arrested or being charged,
the first step is to make sure you're protected.
We'll defend you and make sure you have a say in how things are done.
juvenile crimes
All criminal cases need to acted upon fast to avoid being kept in custody for a long time
or to prevent memories from fading (and hence witnesses becoming unreliable).
A juvenile case however, cannot be allowed ANY delays at all,
especially if the minor is just months away from becoming an "adult" as considered by the law.
In addition, if the juvenile is attending school,
he/she cannot afford to miss many days of school
and needs to be able to get back to normal life ASAP.
or to prevent memories from fading (and hence witnesses becoming unreliable).
A juvenile case however, cannot be allowed ANY delays at all,
especially if the minor is just months away from becoming an "adult" as considered by the law.
In addition, if the juvenile is attending school,
he/she cannot afford to miss many days of school
and needs to be able to get back to normal life ASAP.
white collar crimes
Fraud and money laundering cases can become very complex
and consume a significant amount of time until the case settles back down
enough for you to go back to daily life.
Maybe it wasn't even you personally who committed the crime but your company or your boss.
What you need is an attorney who can quickly obtain enough evidence for you
to have a strong case against the prosecutors.
and consume a significant amount of time until the case settles back down
enough for you to go back to daily life.
Maybe it wasn't even you personally who committed the crime but your company or your boss.
What you need is an attorney who can quickly obtain enough evidence for you
to have a strong case against the prosecutors.